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Swinedroid, Snort Monitoring tool, available on the Android Market

QR Code to Download Swinedroid ClientSwinedroid v0.20 has been released is now available on the Android Market. If you haven’t read my previous post about it, here’s the low down. Swinedroid is a remote Snort monitoring application for Android. Currently, it allows you to view server threat statistics, display the latest alerts, search alerts (by alert severity, signature name, time frame) and view alert details (including a hex dump if available). It consists of two components: the client – which runs on your Android device, and the server – which runs on the system you wish to monitor (or a third party server that can access the snort server db port). The server provides statistics requested by the client over a secure and authenticated SSL link.

Since the last (non-market) release, I’ve introduced a server threat graph (thaks to AChartEngine), alert detail breakdown, SSL authenticity negotiation, functional alert browsing, a more helpful launcher screen, and crash fixes.

Swinedroid Server OverviewSwinedroid Alert Overview

Having an Android Snort monitoring application can prove handy for a variety of situations where access to web-based clients is either unavailable or inconvenient. Since this is a monitoring tool that runs natively in Android, it will also be possible to recieve notifications based on alert statistics – a feature I plan to implement at some stage. Also upcoming is alert tagging and deleting functionality, more advanced alert statistics, attacker profiling (including reverse DNS / location information), and more. If you have suggestions, please post your feedback.

Download the client app here.

Download the server here.

Swinedroid – the new Snort Monitoring tool for Android

QR Code to Download Swinedroid ClientIf you’ve ever been on the go when crisis strikes, you know how convenient it is to have a mobile application for dealing with the problems you might face. For instance, I’ve found it really convenient that there’s an application that interfaces with the API for my Virtual Private Server, Slicehost. I no longer have to fumble around with the browser trying find the page which reboots the VPS, I simply load the Slicehost application. This stores my API key, and I’m able to manage my servers in a more streamlined fashion.

It is in this spirit that I began development on Swinedroid. Swinedroid is an Android Snort monitoring and management application. In its current state it allows you to view server alert statistics, display latest alerts, and search alerts based on severity, signature name, and time frame. In the coming months, I plan to add support for viewing alert details (such as the hex dump and whois information), sorting alerts, managing alerts (e.g. tagging or deleting them), and interpreting a variety of Snort log formats.

Here’s the way it works. There are two components: the server and the client. The server runs on any machine that you want to monitor. In order for the Swinedroid server component to work, you need to have Snort installed and logging alerts to MySQL. The client you install on your Android device, and configure it to communicate with the server component. This communication is done over SSL in a secure (but not authenticated) fashion.

Swinedroid overview screenSwinedroid overview screen

The project is still very much in the beginning stages, and there are exciting features to come. Everything is free and open source. I invite you to try it out, and give me your feedback.

Git Repository (Client): git://

Git Repository (Server): git://

Client Component:

Server Component:

Swinedroid has been released on the Android Market. See this post for more info.